White & Weiss Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava
"Oh my God, she got the power / Well, look at her, she got the power" represents the debut curatorial project of artist Andrej Dúbravský. The title of the exhibition is derived from the lyrics of the song Mother's Daughter by the American singer Miley Cyrus, which is a kind of recent (2019) anthem of strong women. Dúbravský, an active user of social networks, was intrigued by the Instagram presentations of the youngest generation (still studying) painters. His project asks what happens to art when it is hung from an Instagram feed and hung in a stone gallery. Will it last?
The choice of authors for this exhibition is not accidental. Anna Mária Beňová, Dajana Hroššová, Paula Gogola and Juraj Černák from "our" exhibition, creating in the turbulent period of alternating waves of the pandemic, fake news and, in the last two months, ubiquitous footage from the war, present their own personal story in their work, (not only) own physicality and sexuality and perhaps also spirituality and family traumas.
Mira Haberernová Trančíková – a Slovak artistic icon of the 60s and 70s, later banned by the regime, is not just a guest of honor at this exhibition, her works are being rediscovered by the young generation of artists and viewers. An intense physicality is evident in her painting assemblages. The presence of Haberern's works at the exhibition opens up space for questions related to the identity of a woman artist, especially in the Slovak context, in the period before feminism was a "trend" on social networks, and even long before the emergence of social networks and the Internet itself...
Thanks to Instagram, we can suddenly see (sexy) "selfies" in addition to paintings on the profiles of "our" artists and artists. At the same time, Dúbravský asks himself the question "What does this content bring to the discourse of contemporary art?" Why would young female artists want to present themselves as (sexy) objects? Is it narcissism? Is it feminism? Is it fashion or is it courage? Or is it a trap for an elitist art lover - a petty bourgeois who has his own ideas about how a young "serious" artist should present herself? Does this content distract our attention from the paintings themselves or, on the contrary, attract the viewer's attention to their paintings?
Curator of the exhibition:
Mgr.art Andrej Dúbravský
The choice of authors for this exhibition is not accidental. Anna Mária Beňová, Dajana Hroššová, Paula Gogola and Juraj Černák from "our" exhibition, creating in the turbulent period of alternating waves of the pandemic, fake news and, in the last two months, ubiquitous footage from the war, present their own personal story in their work, (not only) own physicality and sexuality and perhaps also spirituality and family traumas.
Mira Haberernová Trančíková – a Slovak artistic icon of the 60s and 70s, later banned by the regime, is not just a guest of honor at this exhibition, her works are being rediscovered by the young generation of artists and viewers. An intense physicality is evident in her painting assemblages. The presence of Haberern's works at the exhibition opens up space for questions related to the identity of a woman artist, especially in the Slovak context, in the period before feminism was a "trend" on social networks, and even long before the emergence of social networks and the Internet itself...
Thanks to Instagram, we can suddenly see (sexy) "selfies" in addition to paintings on the profiles of "our" artists and artists. At the same time, Dúbravský asks himself the question "What does this content bring to the discourse of contemporary art?" Why would young female artists want to present themselves as (sexy) objects? Is it narcissism? Is it feminism? Is it fashion or is it courage? Or is it a trap for an elitist art lover - a petty bourgeois who has his own ideas about how a young "serious" artist should present herself? Does this content distract our attention from the paintings themselves or, on the contrary, attract the viewer's attention to their paintings?
Curator of the exhibition:
Mgr.art Andrej Dúbravský